All posts by Riley

Provincial Scalers Examinations / Examens provinciaux des mesureurs

DNR will be conducting a Scalers Refresher Course on May 19 and 20 in both official languages at this same location (8:30 – 4:30). This is available to exam candidates only. There is no fee for this refresher. Candidates are strongly encouraged to attend.

Arrangements for the 2015 Provincial Scalers Examinations are as follows:

Location: Florenceville DNR Office, 381 Centreville Road, Route 110, Florenceville-Bristol, NB

May 21, starting at 8:30 AM – General License, Stacked Measure
May 22, starting at 8:30 AM – FBM

Applications (attached) must be received at DNR Forest Management Branch by May 1 ( ).


Par ailleurs, le Ministère offrira gratuitement un cours de recyclage pour les mesureurs au même endroit, les 19 et 20 mai, de 8 h 30 à 16 h 30. Le cours, qui sera donné dans les deux langues officielles, ne sera offert qu’aux candidats à l’examen. Ces derniers sont donc vivement encouragés à y assister.

Les examens provinciaux de 2015 à l’intention des mesureurs se dérouleront aux dates et lieu que voici :

Lieu : bureau MRN District-Florenceville, 381 rue Centreville, Route 110, Florenceville-Bristol, NB

Le 21 mai à compter de 8 h 30 – permis général et mesurage du volume apparent
Le 22 mai à compter de 8 h 30 – mesurage en pieds-planche (pmp)

Les formulaires de demande en pièce jointe doivent être dûment remplis et doivent parvenir à la Direction de la gestion des forêts du ministère des Ressources naturelles au plus tard le 1 mai ( ).

2015 Annual General Meeting

Hi All
Please plan to attend The New Brunswick Forest Technician’s Association Annual General Meeting to be held in
Moncton at the Delta Beauséjour on April 2nd. As in past years, the meeting will be held in conjunction with the Canadian Woodlands Forum spring meetings, in room C from 1-5pm. For those interested in taking part, there will be some excellent technical sessions going on April 1stand 2ndas well. For more information check out the CWF website at

Sylvicon 2015 – Sponsorship Package

Hi All,

Sylvicon is back with the main focus being Forests, a World of Growing Opportunities. The conference period will include AGM’s for:
– Registered Professional Foresters of New Brunswick
– Maritime section of the Canadian Institute of Forestry
– Forest New Brunswick.
Additionally, there will be meetings for the NB Federation of Woodlot Owners.

This is an excellent opportunity for your business or organization to get exposure as well as support Sylvicon. Below are links to the sponsorship packages.


sponsor 2015

2015 sponsorship package Sylvicon – final

SYLVICON 2015 Forests | A World of Growing Opportunities

Sylvicon registration is now available. The event is competitively priced and free for students. Attached below is the Program so far, as well as a link for online registration.

On-line registration for Sylvicon 2015 is now available through Eventbrite.
For Program Agenda, ticket prices and registration, please click on the following link:

Date: Feb 25 &26, 2015
Place: Delta Hotel, Fredericton
Accommodations: A block of rooms have been set aside (under the name SYLVICON 2015 Conference) for those traveling from out of town. A rate of $145/night is available until February 1st, 2015.

Sylvicon Program Agenda

The Fall 2014 / Winter 2015 edition of The Azimuth now available

Hi All,
The Fall 2014 / Winter 2015 edition of The Azimuth has now been published. Once again Dusty Corey has completed a significant amount of work on this and has worked hard to ensure it went out on time. Please review and distribute widely, please also feel free to provide comments and suggestions for the Spring issue.


NBFTA AZIMUTH Fall 2014 English

NBFTA AZIMUTH Fall 2014 Francais