Category Archives: CFE Credits

MCFT CE Course Announcement: Preventing Musculoskeletal Disorders (Repetitive Strain Injuries) in the Workplace

“Preventing Musculoskeletal Disorders (Repetitive Strain Injuries) in the Workplace”

This half-day workshop will be held on Wednesday, February 17th, 2016 beginning at 8:30 AM at MCFT (Fredericton Campus).

The workshop facilitator will be Fran Robinson, Occupational Therapist, with Proactive Therapy Services.

If you require overnight accommodations MCFT has discounted room rates available at the Fredericton Inn. A standard room is $99 per night single occupancy and $119 per night double occupancy. Use the code MCFT when booking. For reservations please phone 1-800-561-8777.

A copy of the course announcement and registration form is embedded into this posting. Alternatively, you can download the package from our website at

Please share this course announcement with your colleagues, family, and friends.

If you have any questions please contact me any time. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day.

Todd MacPherson
Supervisor of Continuing Education
Maritime College of Forest Technology
1350 Regent Street
Fredericton NB Canada
E3C 2G6
Office:       506 458 0649

Fax:           506 458 0652 


SOLD OUT: MCFT CE Course Announcement: Canadian Safety Council Certified Snowmobile Safety Training

Canadian Safety Council Certified Snowmobile Safety Training

The Workshop will take place at MCFT (Fredericton Campus) on Monday, February 15th, 2016.

Rob Neish will be your certified instructor for this course. He has delivered this training at MCFT for years and has always been well received by students because of his ability to effectively communicate the subject matter.

If you require overnight accommodations MCFT has discounted room rates available at the Fredericton Inn. A standard room is $99 per night single occupancy and $119 per night double occupancy. Use the code MCFT when booking. For reservations please phone 1-800-561-8777.

Registrants should bring their own food and drink as you will be in the field for most of the day. Please dress to the weather conditions.

A copy of the course announcement and registration form is embedded into this posting.  Alternatively, you can download it from our website at

If you have any questions please contact me any time. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day.

Todd MacPherson
Supervisor of Continuing Education
Maritime College of Forest Technology
1350 Regent Street
Fredericton NB Canada
E3C 2G6
Office:       506 458 0649

Fax:           506 458 0652 

Dry Kiln Workshop Announced at MCFT December 1-3, 2015

The Maritime College of Forest Technology, in partnership with FPInnovations and the Canadian Woodlands Forum is pleased to announce an upcoming Dry Kiln Operator Course. Spruce-Pine-Fir Kiln Operator Course – Quality Drying of S-P-F for Dimension Lumber and Other End Uses Conventional & High-Temperature.

The Workshop will take place at MCFT (Fredericton Campus) from December 1st – 3rd.

Instructors for the course will be:

Peter Garrahan, well known expert wood drying scientist with over 30 years of experience in industrial drying systems and
wood drying research. Peter is a regular instructor with kiln operator courses in various regions of Eastern Canada

Marc Savard, FPInnovations, well known expert wood drying scientist with over 20 years’ experience in research and testing
on the drying of Eastern S-P-F. Marc regularly presents seminars and workshops on lumber drying.

MCFT has discounted room rates available at the Fredericton Inn. A standard room is $99 per night single occupancy and $119 per night double occupancy. Use the code MCFT when booking. For reservations please phone 1-800-561-8777.



Watercourse Alteration Certification Workshop – MCFT Fredericton Nov 23-27

The Continuing Education Department of the Maritime College of Forest Technology is pleased to announce that we will be hosting a New Brunswick Watercourse Alteration Certification Workshop from November 23-27, 2015, with Kyle Werner as instructor.

This will be our last certification workshop for 2015. Please find our course announcement and registration form below.

This course is worth 28 CFE Credits

If you have any questions of comments please contact me, Todd MacPherson, any time at or phone 506-458-0649.

Thank you for your continues support of our Continuing Education Department.


New Brunswick Watercourse Alteration Certification Workshop

Alien Species Invasion

Professional Development Afternoon

Thursday, May 13th, 2010, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.

K.C. Irving Theatre, Hugh John Flemming Forestry Centre, Fredericton

David Mazerolle, Botantist, Mount Allison University: Invasive Plant Species
Kathryn Collet, Dept of Natural Resources: Aquatic Invasives
Edward Hurley, CFS, Atlantic Forestry Centre: Invasive Insects

3 CIF Continuing Education Credits, 9 ARPFNB CFE Credits

CFE Credits for FREE – Fundy Model Forest Workshop Announced

Hello Everyone

I was informed of a conference next Thursday and it is an excellent opportunity to earn CFE credits. The workshop is titled “Implications of Intensive Silviculture and Mixedwood Dynamics on Forest Management” and is being held on January 28, 2010 from 9:30 AM – 4:15 PM at the KC Irving Theatre in Fredericton.

There is no cost for this workshop and lunch is included. There will be 6 credit hours awarded for members. Although this event is free you must register for it by sending an email to or calling 1-506-432-7365 or 1-800-546-4838.

You can read the agenda by clicking here.

CFE Opportunity: SFI 101 Webinar – April 24 2009

Following is an announcement for an SFI Webinar April 24 2009 (this coming Friday). Instructions to join in are included in the announcement.

The webinar will cover the following topics and will provide a comprehensive update of SFI Program progress:

* Provide an overview of forest certification
* Provide an overview of the SFI® program including the draft revised SFI Standard
* Present and discuss SFI labels and Claims
* Summarize the key marketing initiatives of SFI in North America, including consumer & customer research to date
* Present technical and marketing resources to support your company and certification
* Q&A session

This webinar is free of charge.

Feel free to forward this notice to anyone who may be interested.

SFI Webinar Series

Sustainable Forestry Initiative Masthead

March 17, 2009

Sustainable Forestry Initiative® 101 Webinar
Friday, April 24, 2009
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM Eastern

The Sustainable Forestry Initiative(SFI) program represents a growing community of foresters, landowners, wood product and paper manufacturers, distributors and conservation organizations, among others, who are committed to improving forest practices globally. Over the past few months, we have had a growing interest among our program participants and certified companies for SFI Inc. to host a webinar to:

* Provide an overview of forest certification
* Provide an overview of the SFI® program including the draft revised SFI Standard
* Present and discuss SFI labels and Claims
* Summarize the key marketing initiatives of SFI in North America, including consumer & customer research to date
* Present technical and marketing resources to support your company and certification
* Q&A session

SFI Inc. President and CEO Kathy Abusow will lead this webinar and Q&A period on the basics of SFI. Attending this live, online session will enable participants to:

* explain the value of SFI to their customer and
* leverage the SFI brand into marketing plans.

The SFI 101 session – the first in a series of webinars coming in 2009. We invite you to please forward this invitation to all relevant staff, sales teams and training coordinators in your organization, and RSVP individually to by April 10th, 2009. The webinar access information is found below.

Future topics in SFI Inc.’s 2009 webinar series will include Green Building, labels & claims, and the revised SFI Standard, among others. Please send suggestions for future webinar topics to

Webinar Access Details:

Topic: SFI 101
Date: Friday, April 24, 2009
Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -04:00, New York)
Meeting number: 598 974 417
Meeting password: (This meeting does not require a password.)

Web conference link:

Please click the link below to see more information, or to join the meeting.

Audio conference information: Provide your phone number when you join the meeting to receive a call back. Alternatively, you can call:
Call-in toll-free number: 1-866-5536252
Call-in number: 1-650-2514440
Conference Code: 8556904433

We look forward to hearing from you!


Karen Brandt
Vice-President, Market Affairs
SFI Inc.

Contact Info and RSVP to:

Lisa Fox
Coordinator, Marketing

SFI Inc.